Bubble BagsBuy your Bubble Bags right here.

Bubble Bags are the world’s most popular method for extracting pollens and oils from plant matter in your own home! Check out range of Bubble Bag sets below.

Bubble bags are also known as ‘bubble ice hash bags’. They are the ideal solution for safe and easy extraction of valuable extracts / pollens / oils by simply adding 2 ingredients; ice and water. The ice and water pull the ‘good stuff’ from the leaves and branches. The bags have specially designed filters at the bottom. By ‘layering’ the different grade filter bags we let the green ice water filter through, in turn creating several grades of pollen extract.

We’re creating an instruction section, to lay it out in more detail, but essentially the process is very simple.

Bubble Bagging Instructions:

  1. Layer bags inside each other (largest numbered bag at the top/inside – smallest number on the bottom/outside)
  2. Place bags into a bucket.
  3. Place your herbal plant matter into the bags.
  4. Add ice and water, and stir for 20 minutes.
  5. Slowly pull the top bag out from the rest, letting all the green water drain out the bottom.
  6. Repeat step 5 with the other bags.
  7. Using a card, scrape up the ‘good stuff’ that is left on each bag’s filter.
    Note: It’s best to do a ‘second run’ with more ice, to pull the most crystals from the leaves. Some people prefer to do the ‘mixing & stirring’ in a separate bucket, then pour it into the bags.

Have fun!

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